Emporium 419 was founded by Brigette Lee and Rebecca Harper, both 20-year veterans in the nursing field. Having over 40 years of combined nursing experience, they've watched people struggle with daily pain, anxiety, seizures and many other issues affecting the quality of everyday life.
"We've always been interested in finding a more natural and holistic way to help people find relief.” ~Brigette Lee and Rebecca Harper
In 2012, when Brigette’s husband was diagnosed with a rare form of lupus, an autoimmune disease affecting multiple organs, causing pain, lung issues and daily fatigue, her desire to find that holistic support was pushed into high gear. While still working with traditional medicine, it wasn’t providing the relief her husband needed.
So Brigette continued her research into alternative medicine.
Seeing the positive effects CBD oil was able to provide, without some of the side effects traditional medicine sometimes causes, was incredible.
We were so impressed, we started reaching out to others about the results we saw first hand.
“With the addition of CBD oil, he started feeling well enough to achieve his daily goals and start living a more enjoyable life.” ~Brigette Lee
After multiple hours of research, phone calls, product samples, and discussions we decided to launch Emporium 419. Old remedies for a new generation.
At Emporium 419 we strive to educate the public on the benefits hemp products can provide. People automatically assume if you use hemp products you'll automatically get high – which is simply not true!
We believe in your right to choose natural, holistic solutions to achieve optimal health.
We also want our customers, families and friends to live their fullest lives possible! We have products that can help everyone.
Our Vision
Emporium 419 is dedicated to Cannabidiol (CBD), hemp products, and other natural products. Founded for the purpose of bringing to light the science and impact that sometimes is misunderstood in natural medicinal advances. Our vision is to inform consumers about new practices and products, as well as give first hand reviews of how CBD has impacted the lives of many average consumers like you.
We plan to explore medical uses of hemp oil, and bring to you the most up to date studies concerning CBD and other natural medical products.
CBD from the hemp plant is 100% legal in 50 states and 40 countries – try CBD and be surprised today!